Carol and Heather Straightening the Clothes Closet

Carol and Heather putting away Winter clothes

New staff members Juliana Pooley and Jessie Jones join Trinity Center Member Advocacy Team:
Juliana and Jessie work directly with our members to assist them with needs for housing, employment and benefits and support our volunteers in these efforts.  Having them onsite daily gives our members a level of consistency that we have not been able to provide before.

Spring Has Sprung and we are sprucing up the Center. Thank you to the congregation of St. Matthews Lutheran who will spend all morning March 25 cleaning carpets, washing walls and installing new blinds that they donated. We cannot thank them enough.

Summer is not far behind – indeed the weather has already changed and we are in dire need of spring and summer clothing for our clothes closet.  It’s time to clean out your closet of past year’s warm weather clothing and pass it on to those in need.  We accept donations between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri.

Trinity Center Gala – June 4, 2015
Save the date for our inaugural gala fundraiser!

On June 4th, 2015, Trinity Center will host a gala banquet at the Orinda Country Club.  We expect over 150 generous supporters.  In addition to wonderful food, we will feature wine tasting, a silent auction, and a live auction during the banquet.  A link to registration will be available soon.

We are actively seeking donations for the silent and live auction.  A lot of volunteers are also needed to help with this event.  Please contact Nikki  via email if you can donate or volunteer:

Recent Grants
We are so very grateful.  The Food Bank of Contra Costa County and Solano awarded funds matched by Prudential Realty Community Foundation for the purchase a new refrigerator and freezer plus two food warmers for our kitchen.  This new equipment allows us to properly store and serve food so generously donated by our community. Learning of our upgrades, two donors gifted us with a large electric soup pot and a large crock pot.  Our members love soup and now we have a way to keep it hot.


We strive to be open and available to meet our member’s needs every day with the exception of the following holidays. Please plan accordingly.

We will be closed on these days:

January 1 (New Year’s Day)
January 20 (MLK Day)
February 17 (President’s Day)
May 26 (Memorial Day)
July 4 (Independence Day)
September 1 (Labor Day)
November 27 & 28 (Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday)
December 25 (Christmas Day)