WC DowntownWalnut Creek Downtown and Trinity Center are partnering to offer a 10% discount shopping card to Walnut Creek shoppers. Participating businesses will be listed on our websites. A set discount of 10% will be offered to shoppers between December 1, 2015 and March 31, 2016.

Trinity Center offers vital basic needs and services to homeless and working poor in our community. Essential services include assistance with employment and housing.

Your Logo HereParticipating in this easy fundraiser at no cost to you is a great way to support this organization, bring new customers to your store and reward current customers.

FREE ADVERTISING which will increase sales and customers to your business! To participate, please call Trinity Center at (925) 949-8712 or email info@trinitycenterwc.org. Your business will be added to both Walnut Creek Downtown and Trinity Center websites.

We strive to be open and available to meet our member’s needs every day with the exception of the following holidays. Please plan accordingly.

We will be closed on these days:

January 1 (New Year’s Day)
January 20 (MLK Day)
February 17 (President’s Day)
May 26 (Memorial Day)
July 4 (Independence Day)
September 1 (Labor Day)
November 27 & 28 (Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday)
December 25 (Christmas Day)