Summer 2014 Update
We did it – with your help!
We set the bar and you exceeded it. In June we began a campaign to match a $10,000 gift. Shortly after we put the word out, we received an additional pledge of $6,000 raising the total gift to $16,000. We did not have time to publish the additional gift before the mailing but it was if you already knew because we not only raised the additional $16,000 but exceeded it by $4,000. Thank you to all who generously donated. $9,000 has been set aside to help members that need major dental work with the remaining funds of $28,000 applied to our operational costs for running the Center 5 days a week.
We promised that if we were able to raise enough funds we would open the Center five full days a week. We did, and we are. New hours began August 4th. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is working with us to accommodate our new schedule and by September we will be able to add the few remaining hours to complete a full schedule. With this new schedule, we are able to offer three new part time jobs for our members. This is an exciting time for all of us at Trinity Center and we have you to thank – thank you so very much.