Emergency Winter Evening Shelter 2016 – 2017

Winter Shelter - Last Evening2-homeJune 27th we presented a proposal to the Walnut Creek Housing & Community Development Committee (”HCD”) for Winter Shelter 2016-2017.  The Committee provided a positive recommendation to the City Council to: 

  • Enter into a 5-month license agreement with the State Military Department for the purpose of operating a temporary homeless shelter at the Armory (Nov 12 – Mar 31); and
  • Enter into a management agreement with Trinity Center authorizing its application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and outlining its obligations with respect to the day‑to-day oversight and operation of the proposed shelter; and
  • Authorize that: 1) $60,000 of the City’s Affordable Housing Fund and Housing Program Reserve fund be used to help fund the program; 2) that $20,000 of the current year budget (salary) savings in Fund be used to help fund the program; and 3) that the remaining $40,000 of requested funds be allocated from surplus/one-time non-housing funds. The total cost for the five month shelter is estimated to be $170,000.  Trinity Center must raise the balance of funds.

City Council will vote on the recommendations on July 19th. Your support is appreciated.  Come to the City Council meeting on July 19 to speak in support, or send an email to mayor@walnut-creek.org.

A community informational meeting will be held July 13 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church at 7:00 pm.

We must raise an additional $70,000 that the winter shelter will cost and we will need a lot of volunteers to help with providing meals.  Our planned fundraisers include a discount card for local businesses, a fall wine tasting, sponsorships, online and year-end appeals.

We strive to be open and available to meet our member’s needs every day with the exception of the following holidays. Please plan accordingly.

We will be closed on these days:

January 1 (New Year’s Day)
January 20 (MLK Day)
February 17 (President’s Day)
May 26 (Memorial Day)
July 4 (Independence Day)
September 1 (Labor Day)
November 27 & 28 (Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday)
December 25 (Christmas Day)